Bryde's Whale ニタリクジラ in Jeddah


(up and bottom both photo by Ms Elena Judd / received thorugh Desert Sea Divers)

以下は、私の生息地問い合わせに対するWoods Hole Oceanographic Institutionからの返事です。
私が思うに、ニタリクジラ生息地地図はNOAAが作成したものを、どの研究機関もあまり検証せずに使いまわしている可能性があります。NOAAのHPは右カラムからも入れます(Woods Holeもリンクに入ってます)。

To: Abu Naoki

As you have probably seen on line a number of different entities all seem to show the Bryde's range to include the waters immediately outside of the Red Sea, but not the Red Sea itself. See for instance.
I am uncelar what is the primary source for these maps, which all seem to be drawn from a single source. This absence of habitat in the Red Sea may be through real knowledge of its absence through dedicated sightings surveys, or more likley lack of sightings through lack of survey. It is a warm water species so it would not be surprising to see it in this body of water. Ideally the sighting should be reported to the relevant national agency in whose waters the sighting was made, if they maintain a whale sighting record. If not then it would be great to see a network started that could record such sightings online to build an understanding of the local cetacean fauna. The same network would also have real value in recording cetacean stranding events. Then through time these sightings should all be collated and published to better establish the normal cetacean fauna of the Red Sea. It may be that there is such information available, but if it is, I am ignorant of it.
