Red Sea Whale Shark 海洋研究!

ジンベエザメの動画をユーチューブにアップしたところ、アメリカの海洋研究所Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutionから、紅海のジンベエザメの固体調査をしているので顔(私、のではない、ジンベエザメ)のアップを送って欲しいとのメールがきました。紅海のジンベエさんの全頭固体同定を行っているのですね、なんか、すごい。

○研究所の紹介はこちら(Wikipedia)から、 ○WHOIのホームページはこちら。


Save Our Oceans Fundationによる、「Arabian Whale Shark Symposium」。去年の12月、UAELe Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort, Fujairahで行われました。

こちらは、クストー財団で紅海とアデン湾のジンベエザメの調査です。Whale Shark Expedition 2009 to Djibouti

WHALE SHARK AWARENESS RED SEA - the ultimate red sea divers guide
「she started her project "Whale Shark Awareness Red Sea". Since then she has spread the word about whale sharks in the Red Sea and from the 3 on the worldwide wide data base the numbers have increased to 14 photo identified individuals in the Red Sea.」

(quote)By photographing a whale shark you can directly contribute to a global effort to better understand and protect these amazing animals? The whale shark is listed as vulnerable to extinction in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Photographs showing the distinctive patterning and scarring on whale sharks are used to uniquely identify individuals for long-term, mark-recapture analysis. Resulting population models can be used by local, regional, and international conservation and management authorities to understand the pressures on this species and to take specific action to protect them.
The most important thing to remember when attempting to photograph a whale shark is to remain at least 3 meters (10 feet) away from the shark. Touching or blocking the path of a whale shark may negatively influence its behavior and affect scientists' ability to photograph it again in the future.(end of quotation)

写真を撮るなら、ここです!!!This type of photograph (or frame grabs from video), can be used to uniquely identify individual whale sharks.場所の写真はURLで確認してね。これは、私の撮った写真です。大正解です。
